
Welcome to Bioverflow

Gray hat developers
making software like spywares,
shellcodes, RAT's
but obviously are white products.

Hello There

We Are Bioverflow

Our software use malware and dark side techniques but applied to real world products, example, parental control or storing valuable data to make insights to create credit scores based on multiple factors like geolocation, social network usage, frequent apps used. At the same time in our public Github repository we play with different tools to make brute force, remote administration tools, shellcodes and more to improve our knowledge. We keep the balance between dark side and light side, this is the key.

What We Do

We’ve got everything you need to know your own users and get insights

Complete gray solutions

We develop modern software with most advanced algorithms and techniques to generate insights, business value or more control to know your own users.

Component solutions

If you want only integrate a specific tool to gain engagement use our free tools or talk with us to know what is your specific need.

Recent Tools And Components

We love what we do, check out some of our latest works

Linux Shellcode Generator


This is a shellcode generator in ASM to fast development and test it in a C snippet template.


Control Parental

Android app to find up information in another Android devices something like control parental.

Contact Us

Reach out for a new project or just say hello

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